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This down right gorgeous small native shrub flowers profusely in May here in our display garden producing hundreds of fragrant white pendulous racemes. The fragrance unlike other selections is a mix of Sandalwood and Cedarwood but is not over powering, one has to be within 8-10' to sense the fragrance. Dark green foliage, which is back drop for the white flowers, from spring through Autumn and the fall color changes in succession from rich deep reddish purple, scarlet, crimson, them finally fluorescent red holding this color long into winter. If any shrub were to be called a Burning Bush this is the shrub. The fall color is almost unrivaled by any other plant, except Acer luecoderme. In milder climates where the temperatures do not drop below 15 degrees it remains evergreen with its beautiful color. This selection was found in Troup county Georgia by Jim Rodgers and introduced by Nearly Native Nursery. It is a wonderful erosion control along creek banks and drainage ditches with its stoloniferous, (spreads by way of underground stems) growth habit that develops into a colony. A great choice for stream banks, low moist areas where it naturally is found, or a background for lower growing shrubs and perennials. Once established Virginia Sweetspire can tolerate drought very well. One application that it works well with is to use it as the foundation plant in a moist area and have other natives such as a Lindera benzoin female, Sabal minor, Rhododendron viscosum, Cliftonia monophylla, Cyrilla racemiflora, Taxodium ascendens or an other moisture loving shrub or tree. Any of these combinations are very attractive together and create a natural look to the landscape. This wonderful native of the southeastern U.S., is an easy to grow shrub and reaches 3-4'High at maturity. It can spread to 10+'wide and will develop an almost impenetrable barrier.