Description |
The Cane Cholla, Cylindropuntia imbricata is a cactus found in parts of Southwestern US. It is often conspicuous because of its shrubby or even tree-like size, its silhouette, and its long-lasting yellowish fruits make it an unforgettable site.
Its natural range is high dry regions of Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and west Texas (rarely northeast to western Kansas) south to Durango, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potos. It is one of the most northern and eastern ranging of all Chollas. It occurs at altitudes from 1200 m to 2300 m (4000 to 7500 feet) and is hardy for a cactus Zone 5A. Its flowers are purple or magenta, rarely rose-pink 2"wide. The fruits are yellowish, tubercular or funnel shaped.The fruits are also eaten by various wild birds and mammals, including pronghorn antelope, desert bighorn sheep, and deer. The thorny plants provide escape for cover for many small animals. It remains evergreen through out the year but during winter the horizontal branch like pads relax.
This species grow quit large so give even a small plant 10'x10' area to mature.