Description |
Lilium michiganense is another exquisite charmer of a native lily species too often bush hogged down or chemically sprayed by county and state DOT crews and ignorant home owners. One of the most highly sought of the lily species, this species is native from and northern Ala. and Ga. throughout the northeastern states of the eastern Us. This species was once far more plentiful in the northeast than it is today. European settlement followed by the industrial age has led to much destruction of this species and others range. This species thrives in damp cool soils, bogs and other various habitats. While the later conditions are ideal it will grow in loamy sand, high organic, or heavy clay based soils as long as it does not dehydrate during Jan.- August. I prefer damp clay based soils to aid in combating the voles ability to tunnel. Like other native lilies, this species has gracefully whorled foliage, maturing normally to 3'high at flowering, but in deep shade may reach to 4-6'high. 3-4" flowers are produced in the upper portion and hang pendulously with strongly recurved petals and sepals on 4-7" pedicles (Flower stems). Up to 25 flowers can be produced per plant in ideal conditions. Flower color among this species varies with the range from yellow gold to orange/red. NOTE: They are highly attractive to long legged goats (deer), rabbits and voles. Watch for aphids and at the first sign address them immediately as aphids can spread viruses quickly and kill plants. Excessive over head water is not recommend for native lilies. Organic fertilizers are best.